
Hymn at Vespers, Common of Pastors

Continuing with trying to promote the use of proper texts instead of alii canti apti [sic], here is a translation of Sacrata nobis gaudia, the hymn in the LH at vespers for the common of multiple pastors. This one is much more cleaned up than my previous offering, which as of yet needs to be worked on. This could stand for improvement, but is singable. It is in long metre, as is the Latin original. The translation is mine, guided by our Latin professor at SJV, with the assistance of some of my classmates.

Here is the Latin original:

Sacrata nobis gaudia
dies reduxit annua,
laudantur in qua debito
cultu duces ovilium.

En pro gregis custodia
nullos labores neglegunt,
tutantur illum, sanius
impertientes pabulum.

Arcent lupos e finibus,
procul latrones exigunt,
replent oves pinguitudine,
ovile numquam deserunt.

Tot nunc potiti gaudiis,
gregum duces sanctissimi,
nobis rogate gratiam
apud tribunal iudicis.

Aeterne, Christe, pontifex,
tibi sit aequa gloria
cum Patre et almo Spiritu
in sempiterna saecula. Amen.

And my translation:

Joys sacred to us do return
yearly this hallowed day in which
these leaders of the flock are praised
with honour and due rev

See, in their keeping of the flock,
not one effort do they neglect,
guarding the sheep, providing
nourishing, healthy sustenance.

They keep the wolves out of the fold,
the robbers they drive far away,
they fill the sheep abundantly,
the flock they ne'er abandon.

Having achieved so many joys,
most holy leaders of the flock,
solicit grace for us before
the judgement seat of God most-high.

Eternal high priest Jesus Christ,
to thee be equal glory with
the Father and the Spirit sweet,
in time and in eternity. Amen.

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