

One of my favourite parishes in the diocese--the only one I regularly attend, aside from my own--is forming a new schola. The pastor at this parish is wonderfully orthodox and traditional. The Mass I attend at his parish is celebrated ad orientem, with a Latin ordinary. The young lady spearheading the schola approached me after Mass about a month ago inviting me to it, and I had my "audition" today. I'm quite sure I didn't do well. I sang quietly and was quite nervous. But she did include me in the discussion of when to have our practices, so despite my poor performance, I seem to have a shred of hope.

I'm very excited about it. I've been reading the NLM long enough to know that a return to singing chant is a necessary, and very important, part of our identity as Catholics. We practised singing the most common Mass setting, the one where the final eleison is elongated. I think it's XVIII, I'm not sure. And our leader made sure to show us a bit of chant before letting us go, assuring us that we would be quizzed on what the notes are called--neumes--next week. I'm so glad. It seems that chant is our goal. She mentioned that she wants to work up to the Mass of the Angels eventually. I hope I have to get the Parish Book of Chant at some point.

So, I have a new saint to add to my post-Communion litany:

St Cecilia, pray for us.

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